(C) 2000-2007, A.Lotov, R.Efremov, A.Kistanov, and A.Zaitsev
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Here, you can find the prototype version of WEB application servers that can support easy selecting of extraordinary items (say, reasonable decision alternatives, preferable goods and services, suspicious data) from large lists by using simple graphic interface. Say, one can use it in the framework of searching for preferable purchases, efficient investment strategies, suspicious money interactions, unusual experimental data, etc. The application server RGDB is based on the Web implementation of the REASONABLE GOALS METHOD / INTERACTIVE DECISION MAPS technique developed by the Group on Visualization-based MCDM techniques.
The idea of the RGDB server is very simple. You submit the list (database) of items. The list must contain information on attribute improvement directions. Then, the server envelopes the items of the database and transmits the envelope to you along with a Java applet that helps to explore the efficient frontier (Pareto frontier) of the envelope. After studying the envelope, you express your preference by specifying the preferable point (goal) at the Pareto frontier of the envelope. The server selects several items that correspond to your preference and transmits them to you.
Now, we have prepared five different versions of the applet that help you to explore the Pareto frontier of the envelope. You will be asked to select the applet by hitting the related button. Some applets are very simple and targeted to beginners. Others provide more sophisticated decision making features.
Some people say that the applet with the structured procedure is the simplest one. Is it indeed so? Our experience proves that the answer depends on personal psychological features of user. Thus, try different options that we propose and see what is better for you personally.